The SafePod Network (SPN) provides researchers with standardised safe settings (SafePods and SafePoints) across the UK for data that requires secure access for research. Data Centres that have joined the SPN to provide access to their data includes the Office for National Statistics, UK Data Service, SAIL Databank and the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics.
The major benefits of the SPN are outlined here.
The SafePod Network is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and is part of the Administrative Data Research UK programme.
SafePoint is a new development from the SafePod Network to provide a low cost, scalable and standardised safe setting to research organisations for secure data access.
SafePoint includes similar security controls to a SafePod. Two SafePoint Desk models are available, a Single Desk and a Multi Desk. A Single Desk supports up to two researchers working on the same project. A MultiDesk provides two Single Desks divided by a partition. The partition can be lowered to create a large single desk for collaborative research. Pictures above show a SafePoint MultiDesk.
There are a number of funding and purchasing options available for a SafePoint.
Click the button below for further information about SafePoint including funding options and how to make an application.
SafePoint Information and Application Procedures
ABOUT safEpod
A SafePod is a standardised safe setting that provides the security and controls for data that requires secure access for research. A SafePod includes a door control access system, CCTV, a researcher area for dataset analysis, secure IT cupboard and a height adjustable desk.
Read more about SafePods and how datasets are accessed here.
Researchers must register with the SPN (which includes passing an online training questionnaire on the SPN User Agreement) before a SafePod can be booked and used to access project datasets. Further details about the researcher registration process is available here.
Once registered, a researcher can book and use any SafePod in the network for access to their project data from a SPN Data Centre.
A number of organisations provide a wide variety of data for researchers to access through the SafePod Network. For more information click here.
The major objectives of the SPN are to:
You can read about our principles for secure data access here.