Q. I have not passed the SPN training questionnaire.  How many times am I allowed to re-take it?
A. You can take the SPN training questionnaire as many times as needed to pass it.

Q. Do emergency alarm staff need a background check completed?
A. No, only SafePod Coordinators need to have a background check completed.

Q. I am a SafePod Coordinator and I have not passed the SPN training questionnaire.  How many times am I allowed to re-take it?
A. You can take the SPN training questionnaire as many times as needed to pass it.

Q. Can a Senior Responsible Person also be a SafePod Coordinator?
A Senior Responsible Person cannot be a SafePod Coordinator at the same time.  If the Senior Responsible Person wanted to be a SafePod Coordinator, then they would need to undertake the pre-requisite requirements and another person appointed as a Senior Responsible Person.

Q. What happens if a Senior Responsible Person is on leave?
Another person must be appointed temporarily to the role of the Senior Responsible Person, or otherwise the SafePod cannot be booked or used for that period. This can be a person nominated as a SafePod Coordinator but they cannot carry out their SafePod Coordinator duties for the period they are a Senior Responsible Person.

Q. If two Researchers have booked to use a SafePod, and one Researcher has forgotten their identification does the entire booking need to be cancelled?
A. No. The Researcher with the correct identification can access and use the SafePod.  The Researcher that does not have their correct identification with them cannot access and use the SafePod.

Questions and answers will be added as they arise.  Please contact the SafePod Network to ask a question.