The SPN is pleased to announce that the following UK organisations have been awarded a SafePod. The installation date is in brackets.
Durham University (December 2021).
Lancaster University (April 2022).
London School of Economics and Political Science (August 2021).
Northumbria University (June 2022).
The National Archives (October 2020).
University of Bath (February 2021).
University of Birmingham (January 2022).
University of Bristol (September 2020).
University of Cambridge (September 2021).
University of Central Lancashire (December 2020).
University of Exeter (August 2020).
University of Kent (TBC).
University of Leicester (March 2022).
University of Liverpool (May 2021).
University of Manchester (June 2021).
University of Nottingham (November 2020).
University of Oxford (July 2020).
University of Sheffield (May 2022).
University of Warwick (TBC).
University of York (April 2021).
Ulster University (March 2021).
Glasgow Caledonian University (July 2021).
University of Aberdeen (TBC).
University of Dundee (November 2021).
University of the Highlands and Islands (February 2022).